From The Refugium To The Display


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
the refugium for my new tank is now absolutely crawling with various types of pods (they were very well established in my old smaller sump and the numbers are booming), but are there any rough ideas as to how many make it through the journey from the sump to the display? It can't be an easy ride through the pump and UV steriliser (at least they can a bit of a tan on the way).




Great natural food for your fish :)
They average 3mm - 5mm, so you can see them easily.

You can buy them online, but mine all hitch hiked in on the rock / in the cheato I bought years ago and have multiplied.
They average 3mm - 5mm, so you can see them easily.

You can buy them online, but mine all hitch hiked in on the rock / in the cheato I bought years ago and have multiplied.

Kool hope you get your anser soon
Just an update for you! i was talking to a guy in my lfs (he works there) he said dont botther with UV's He did say if you wana use one just dont use it 24/7 have it on for a few hours aday?

maybe if you did this the pods get a chance to go thur?

Thort you may be intrested in this? i no some people like uvs and some people dont i will be running mine for only a few hours aday from now.
i don't think the UV is much of a danger to something the size of pod, might be wrong through, would be interested to hear some opinions.
im pretty sure they kill good and bad lifeforms like parasites n pods hence why not everyone agrees with using them. but im not 100% sure its been many months since iver looked at uvs.
Well, the UV trip depends on your dwell time and the power of the UV. If your UV is on your return line, chances are that the dwell time is much too short to kill something as big as a pod. Besides, UV doesn't necessarily kill an organisum. UV technically denatures it's DNA to the point where it can't reproduce. So any pods that did make it to the UV would make it up to the display. They may or may not be able to reproduce there, but chances are they'd be eaten there anyways ;)

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