

New Member
May 30, 2004
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we are thinking of adding a frog to our tank. we have one female molly and 4 zebra tetras at the moment. we also want to add four neon tetras and a betta and some type of bottom feeder.
all of this is for a ten gallon tank.
question one is this too much for that size of a tank,
question two, is the frog going to be ok?

Hi mommacakes:)

What kind of frog were you planning on getting? African dwarf frogs are meant to be pretty good community tank members, Afcrican clawed frogs on the other hand do not go well with fish and will probably eat them as they get pretty big.

Use the 1" per gallon rule to work out how much stock your tank can take (find out the expected adult size of your fish, not the size they currently are), then as you get more experienced you can go over this as long as there is still plenty of room for the fish to swim and hide and all your water levels stay healthy for them.

African Dwarf Frogs are a bit of an exception to the rule, as it is often suggested that they need 2.5 gallons per frog.

Hope that helps!
IMO, your tank will be overstocked if you add all those fish. I'd add a few more mollies so your female will have some companions. Also, I've never heard of zebra tetras... do you mean zebra danios?

If you have 3-4 mollies and 4 zebras, that'll already make your tank stocked, but I think you could also add one african dwarf frog without any problems.

HTH :thumbs:
Hi mommacakes :)

You will have a pretty full tank even without the frog. :nod:

But frogs are great little pets that are undemanding and easy to take care of. I have both African Dwarf Frogs and African Clawed Frogs and love them both. I do think frogs do best by themselves, rather than in a community tank, however. They do not need filtration if the water is changed regularly and some people think that they actually do best without it. An ADF is a good companion to a betta.

If you get frogs, (and the African Clawed Frogs are out of the question in your community tank) do remember that they are jumpers and must have a well covered tank. :eek:

There is a link in my signature that will take you to a thread with lots of good information about them. :nod:
if you had a tank full of water and no rocks or nething that reaches the surface, will the frogs live? or do they need a litlte piece of rock that sticks up from the water?
Hi cutecotton :)

Both ADFs and ACFs are 100% aquatic. They live their entire lives underwater, but do need to be able to reach the top to breathe the air. :D
wow th'ats amazing :D i might be able to get one for my tank :D are they hostile towards bettas? (females)?

thansk for the update inchworm :nod:
ADF's dont tend to be hostile towards anything and can live in an unfiltered unheated tank with regular water changes just like bettas, so they are usually considered to be good company for each other.

Just make sure you get the Dwarf not the Clawed frog. The dwarf will have webbed front feet, the clawed will have sharp toes on the front with no webs. (take a magnifying glass with you to the store to check as they are often mislabeled)
Hi cutecotton :)

Nutmeg is right. The little ADFs are harmless. :nod: The only thing I would suggest is that they have a little cave all to themselves. They won't be in it all the time, but they do like to have a place to go. :D
adf's do better in groups as they are social animals. i have four in a ten gallon tank with two apple anails and a shrimp. i wouldnt advise putting the frogs in with danios. danios are fast and greedy and will eat all the frogs food before they get a chance at it. theyre nocturnal as well and if you put them in a tank with all those other fish they're to shy to fight for food. Feeding them at night when the lights were off would be an option except frogs dont see so well and have enough time finding food in the day. if your going to go frog with fish you need small slow moving passive fish. neons would be a good fit. they also need lots of places to hide.

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