

New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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i bought two frogs 2weeks ago. they were always trying to hide under something an were very shy.i noticed they had vanished for about two days. then i noticed 1 of them at the back of the tank dead :unsure: it had no arms or legs left :/ the other fish probably ate them :sick: and i have never found the other frog will the other fish have eaten all of him or what cos its vanished :dunno:
what kind of fish do you have for your tank?
i know that frogs cant live in tanks with fish that are semi-agressive or agressive.
i also heard that they can jump so maybe one jumped out of the tank.
also, what kind of frog is it? african dwarf frog?
Hi fishmanuk, I had three frogs - my LFS called them 'dwarf African frogs', not sure if that's right though. They were fine for about 2 months, until I put slightly more water in my tank than usual, when they gradually disappeared, I just thought that they were hiding, until I found one dried up in the middle of my room :/

The other two haven't shown up though - I can only assume that they're dead underneath or behind something that I can't get at.

All in all very disappointing - I would get more (and lower my water level slightly), but I'm ashamed of going to my LFS and asking them to order me more!

I have brought one little african dwarf froggie too...i had him quite happly for about a week and then all of a sudden i heard a scream from my mum and my froggie had hopped out of the tank....managed to get him back in thought before he dried up...
Since then though i havent really seen him at all, i hope he is still alive in my tank somewhere, but being on a cabinet he could have easily have hopped out and dried up without me noticing :(...i will one day though by more than just the one, as it would be cool to see them breed.

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