Frogs For A Tropical Planted Tank.


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
I am hoping to get a new tank for my birthday soon, which will hopefully be planted. I am aiming for a 20 UK gallon tank. Is there any aquatic frog species which don't need any special or extensive care which i can keep with my fish, and also where could i get them?
Dwarf frogs can be kept with fish, but you need to be very careful what you keep with them. Anything nippy will harass the frog, and even if a fish is not nippy the fish can eat the frog's food before it can eat anything.

It would be better to keep them in their own tank. They're very fun to watch, and you could keep a nice group in a 20.
i kept african dwarf frogs in my community tank, but the fish kept pinching their food :( a pippette can help to aim the food directly at the frogs, but they're a little slow!

I moved mine to a smaller tank, 30 litres, and filled this with hornwort. After a couple of days they bred and started to lay eggs, they were great fun to watch after I moved them!

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