frog needs air


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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I Just purchased a 29 gallon tank, will my frog be ok in this? Can he get to the top and bottom ok?
Not only are the aquatic frogs (and I see you have an Albino Clawed Frog) excellent swimmers, but they can also jump amazingly well under water, too. The webbing on their toes (just on the back toes in the case of the Albino Clawed Frogs) helps them to swim like putting flippers on our feet would help us. I imagine he'll be just fine in there.

If you want to give him an extra edge, though, you can add floating plants, or plants that rise close to the surface. But make sure you cover the tank very well. Frogs are notorious escape artists.
it's 2 feet from the bottom to the top. You just relieved me a little, I thought I was going to have to get rid of him. Every website says 12 inches though. Is 2 feet excessive? He won't sufficate will he?
How big IS he, exactly?

I keep African Dwarfs, I'll tell you that straight off. They're comparable, but the African Claweds get much, much, much bigger, so I'm not as well-versed on them as I am on the ADFs.

I think two feet for a very small frog, though, would probably prove to be an enormous problem. Would it be possible, then, to set up a 10 gallon tank just for the frog? It may be necessary if you see him struggling to get to the surface.
If there isnt a strong current in the tank it should be fine.
I keep 4 african dwarfs in my 20 gallon (comparable in size to yours) and they have no difficulty reaching the top.
Plants that grow to the surface or near the surface, maybe structures of some sort will help him make his way as well. (as the earlier post pointed out).
I think he'll be fine.
You could put a large piece of driftwood in the tank at a slanting angle, then he could kind of use it to push against.
I've had them in my 55 long which is around 18" tall give or take. They had NO problem getting to the fact they looked like lightning. :)
What use to get me about mine was he would be like lightning to the top, and then use the same swimming force to go back to the bottom! His head would hit the gravel with a BAM! :fun:

It made me cringe to see it. Had to hurt. :blink:

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