Frog-mouthed Pleco


New Member
Oct 2, 2006
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I picked up a frog-mouthed pleco from my LFS about a month ago but since then have been unable to find any info about them. It looks much like a common pleco, but it is green skinned vs black and it's mouth is oval with pointy corners rather than circular.

I've looked online and haven't found anything. Any information about them would be great, such as tank conditions, size et al.

I'll try and get a good picture of him tonight.
not a name I've come across I'm afraid...
Any chance of a photo?

If not, have a look through planetcatfish and see what you come across... ;)
Do you mean the Frogmouth Catfish - Chaca chaca ?

If so, do a forum search - there's quite a bit of info around. But be aware they are not a community fish and can mess with your pH because they chemically effect their prey.

Edit: though have to add - it bears no remote resemblance to a common pleco :look:
No, it isn't a frogmouthed catfish. I already checked those guys out. It's mouth is on the bottom just like a pleco.

I've taken 15 pictures tonight and none of them have come out. I am going to wait until it gets a little darker so I don't have the light from the front window reflecting on the tank.
No, it isn't a frogmouthed catfish. I already checked those guys out. It's mouth is on the bottom just like a pleco.

I've taken 15 pictures tonight and none of them have come out. I am going to wait until it gets a little darker so I don't have the light from the front window reflecting on the tank.

:D Good luck
Wasn't able to get any shots of it's mouth on the glass, but here is it's face and back.

I guess it doesn't really look like a common pleco, it looks more like it has loricated mail on it's back. I will keep trying to snap a shot of it's mouth.
The face and mouth look very close, but the patterns on the back are way different.

[edit]If it makes any difference I've had it about 2 month and it is ~2 1/2 inches. I am going to the LFS today or tomorrow, I'll see what they have to say.

I'm looking at all the images on planetcatfish now.[/edit]

[edit2]Stripped Bulldog Pleco

Thanks for the help![/edit2]
I lost one of these pretty recently, just keeled over in my tank for no apparent reason??

Then I read and they well oxygenated which mine was not, and also a good flow, again, mine is not. (lots of plants you see)

If you provide these conditions these fish should thrive. Go to Planet Catfish and look under Striped Bulldog as the legend himself CRSMITH pointed out. GOOD LUCK!!!

:good: :good:
Right now it is in a 10 gallon tank, I am running some walmart special HOB filter with quilt padding for polishing and an Aquaclear (the size above mini) on play sand. He is with 2 rainbow sharks and 2 feeders that my fire eel never ate. The tank is a tad warm for him (just learned of the low water temp he likes today). I am now running the tank a little low so I get a better waterfall and hopefully better oxygenation.

Is he safe to add some plants with? That should help with the O2ing right? (I'm totally clueless with plants, never had them before unless they were plastic)
the waterfall should help quite a bit. not sure how much the plants will help, they don't need plants in natural environment and i don't know how mucho2 they will add to water?

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