Fritz's 24g Nano, And The Amazing Escaping Clown


New Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Hi there,

I wanted to share my 24g nano with the group, along with asking a few questions. I had a 30 gallon rectangle tank prior to this, it had a 250W HQI (for sale), and 2 64W PC's on it, with a full sump/bioballs/skimmer (for sale, loud as all #*@#$).. the tankstand and hood had to be too large for the tank size, and i didnt want to go up size wise.. I saw a Nano, got one, then built a stand for it, and moved everything over (using the same sand) never been happier.. so far :)

MainTank and stand:



24G Nanocube - No mods so far. The tank lid isnt sitting tight in the pics as i havent cut out room for the makeup water line, and the temp and ph probe wires.

In the tank currently:
2 clowns (that wont have anything to do with the anemone, and constantly jump into the back container area (more on that later)
2 matched Coral Banded Shrimp
1 yellow goby
1 Diamond goby (sorry, dont know the technical names)
1 sally light foot (who is gonna get yanked if he messes with my new sea hare)
1 sea hare (recently added after the last died/ got picked on)
1 emerald crab
1 sea cucumber
1, and now after a recently split, 2, rose tip anemones (just woke up to that guy split in two a few days ago.. was a nice treat! .. and as if i had room for 2..)

Snails: prolly 15 nassarius, many other types. red legged hermits

Torch Coral (with big bubbles, ?? )
few hard coral(Digi?), yellow (milli?) one is looking like its on the way out (anyone care to identify these, i'm terrible at the moment..)
Xenia (started as a small plug, and has just been growing and splitting like mad)
"fuzzy mushrooms" (again, splitting like crazy at the moment. started as 2 bigger ones)

think thats it.

So a few questions:
1.) Escape Fish: My clown fish keep jumping over the back wall and ending up in the back filter area. So far, its happened 4 times. Anyone have any ideas of material or a trick to block that back area from the tank.? Or, is my water level too high or something that is causing this??

2.) Big bubble on the Torch Coral: Is this a natural thing?

3.) Anybody messed around with the wiring, to seperate the LEDs from the mainlighting, or to seperate the fans from teh main power supply? I want my fishputer to control things, and right now its kinda silly how its wired by default.
great looking tank mate , was looking at one of these the other day(let me first say that i dont shop at this place thank god, but i do some time go into have a look around, anyway they only had a sailfin tang in one of these :crazy: :sly: :( , i went and told the bosss, and he just looked at me as if i had two heads :( )

anyway sorry for that but cool tank mate and keep the pics comming :good:

I CALL DIBS ON THE LIGHTS! Wait where are you located?

*I call first priority for the lights if he decides to sell them to me*
1) Any way you can superglue some egg crate to extend the wall vertically? Dont cover the top of the back chambers cause then the clown will still jump up there and flop around till he dires :(

2) Never seen that before so dunno :/

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