Friends gravel to help start my cycle but he has


Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
JAGSonville, Florida
I asked my neighbor for some gravel and he was helpful, he gave me some gravel in a bucket of water.

He has fish in his tank

I tested the water and his Ammonia was around 5
Nitrite around 5 or 6
Nitrate around 8

So it tells me his tank has not cycled.

I am doing a fishless cycle but have no Nitrites, should I still add the gravel to jump start mine?
Adding old water does not help at all. Gravel from a cycled tank would help but I don't know about an uncycled. I doubt it will do anything as your friend obviously doesn't have the bacteria they need to get the correct levels.
He does have nitrates in his tank, so perhaps his filtering capacity is grossly under filtered? If that is the case, I guess his gravel will help.

But you should let your friend know about his water, he's going to kill all the fishes in his tank soon...

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