Friends For My Betta?


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
One of my males is in a 10 gallon and I'd like to put some friends in with him until I begin using that tank for breeding, which won't be for awhile. Out of the fish I have right now (4 platies (all female) 2 swordtails (1 male 1 female) 5 neon tetras, a pleco, and longfin albino cory cats) which ones would make the best companions for my male betta?

This is all just my opnion only, so pleasedo not take this as fact, as there are peopleon here who have years of experience. I have been keeping my male betta with cardinal tetras. They have been fine with each other, and have become friends.

Lots of people mention that tetras should not go with bettas as they are fin nippers, but I have not had a problem. If you did decide to add your tetras, then my suggestion would be to keep an extremely close eye on them, for fin nipping and in case your betta became stressed having tank buddies.

Hopefully someone with a lot more knowledge and experience will offer their opinion and help.
Our Betta lives with 8 Mollies, 3 Corys, Pleco, 1 Platy, 1 Guppy, 2 Gouramis, 2 Clownloaches and a silver shark and they get on well...

If he used to being on his own he might not like to have tank mates

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