i have a pakistani loach and its a friendly little bugger its very active and comes up 2 the glass at the front of the tank.Even when the other fish realise theres no food on the go the wee loach is still there swimming back and fourth. my 2 year old son calls it his pal because it always comes 2 see him , when the others bolt when hes around cant. blame them mind. freindly wee loach but maybe not 2 intelegent.
hi there,
we've got a pakistani loach & hes brilliant, we read they were shy & would hide all day but ours is always out & about nosing around in the gravel & sometimes swimming with our tiger barbs when theyre out on patrol . did you know that pakistani loaches are called 'yoyo's' in the US??? cos of their markings - yoyoyo. i was enlightened by someone on this forum as i had no idea what a yoyo was, well a yoyo without a string that is
I have a pair of Pakistani loaches myself there great! Like you said there really friendly, mine sometimes swimaround during the day but sometimes they like to hide in the leaves of the plants. They really are great fish I love mine