Friendly Beta?


New Member
Feb 22, 2004
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Would it be all right to move my beta into my 20Gal tank?

I only have two fish in it right now, 2 Red SwordTails.

Is there any drawbacks to adding the beta in? Are they only agressive to other males?

I found a web site that listed fish friends and it says they would be fine.


Hi steven_yyz :)

I see by your signature that you are new to fishkeeping, so before I go further I want to ask if your tank is cycled?

If it isn't, please read the following article and proceed to do what you must BEFORE you add more fish to it:

Now, perhaps after it is cycled you might want to think of putting the betta into your tank, but for now your priority must be cycling. Your betta will be better off where he is for now. :nod:

Well after a week I have two fish that are still going strong and I just checked my ammonia and the level is the lowest on the scale.

Does this mean that I have successfully cycled?

Hi steven_yyz :)

No, it's not cycled, but the process has started. Next, bacteria will appear to eat the ammonia and turn it into nitrItes. That's a good sign. Then, another bacteria will turn the nitrItes into nitrAtes.

Once the nitrAtes start to increase, the ammonia and nitrIte levels will drop to zero. Then it will be cycled and you will be ready to gradually add more fish.

The hardest part of the entire process is having the patience to wait for it to finish. :nod: If you know someone who keeps fish and will give you some of the filter material from his tank, it will speed up the process greatly.

In the meanwhile, your betta can live in your vase, in uncycled water if you keep it clean and fresh with frequent water changes. :D
Excellent! Thank you so much for the help.

That explanation was easy to understand and nicely laid out...

Do I need to buy a Nitrate Kit?

Thanks again.

Hi steven_yyz :)

Thank you for the complement! :D

Yes, it would be good to have test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. You can skip the one for pH, though, unless you will be having the more exotic kinds of fish.
Bettas are usually decent community fish - most of the problems occurring from other fish nipping the bettas' long fins. Sometimes it seems like any male fish can be aggressive, so just keep an eye on the fish so that you can remove any troublemakers before they do damage.

I wish you luck with your swordies - I love mine and they have been the most fun to watch. Update us on the addition of the betta.

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