Friend for my Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Nelson is doing very well. He loves his home and it's staying very clean. I decreased the amount of light he gets and no longer do I have algae problems. I do have a new question though. I often feel he's bored or alone. He spends his time at my work so I am only here from M-F (10am-6pm). He's in a 3 gallon tank, and I know some people will suggest I divide it and put another betta in. Are there any other fish who are friendly that can just swim around with him? I'd rather not divide the tank up.

Thanks much.
Must have missed it in my previous post. It's a 3 gallon Eclipse (w/ bio-weel). It also has 4 live plants in it. Very very nice :-]
A pair of dwarf cories or otos should be nice. :)
what about some tetras like neons or cardinals, or maybe some danios......
They would probably eat the fins on the betta, they are pretty nippy from my experience.
3g is way too small for any tetras or danios. IMO it's too small for cories aswell seeing as they really prefer shoals of 4+...
Yeah I thought maybe I should increase the amount of light he gets, to increase the allgae and then get a couple ottos. But how many for a 3 gallon tank?
My betta seems to get along with ghost shrimp, and they help clean the tank. :)
I wouldn't suggest neon tetras, I had a female betta in w/ them and she bullied them to death.

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