Freshwater stingrays


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Devon, U.K.
Does anyone know how big these guys get and what they eat? Also what sort of special requirements they might have? I'm assuming I'd have to keep them on their own if I had any as they are predators. But I've seen them in a couple of my LFSs and they're fascinating, I'd be willing to swap my current setup for just one of these B)


Depending on the species freshwater rays grow to anything from 15" to 30" in diameter, females are generally larger than males.
They require far more care than any normal tropical fish and should only be kept by competent and experienced fishkeepers, ideally some experience with other sensative fish like discus would be recomended. They do not tolerate nitrogen pollution at all so require a well matured and stable tank, ammonia and nitrite shouldnt even be talked about where rays are concerned, the smallest of spikes will probably result in a dead ray. Nitrate should always be below 20ppm, if your tapwater cant supply this then you will need to invest in a RO machine. The pH can be as high as 7.5 but it is best to try and match the water the lfs has been keeping the ray in, rays do not tolerate changes well.
They are known for being incredibly fussy eaters, if possible for a first ray try and buy one that is already feeding well on frozen meaty foods. If the ray you purchase is not eating then you may have to offer live foods to keep it alive until you can ween it onto frozen, this will mean weeks of supplying large quantities of live bloodworms and shrimps every day, feeder fish are not recomended due to the risk of disease.
The best set up for rays would be a long wide shallow tank with a minimum footprint of 60x24", height isnt really important and can be as shallow as 15". A sand substrate is a must and the bottom should be as clear as possible to provide maximum swimming area. They can be kept with tankmates but you will need to keep them to a minimum to keep the nitrates down, large peaceful cichlids like severums or discus, bichirs and non aggressive surface dwellers like arowanas all make good tankmates, bottom dwellers and any fish with reputation for fin nipping should be avoided.
Okay the three species of fresh water rays that i have encountered in my local shop are as follows:

Laticeps otherwise known as the teacup stingray, this is the smallest of the three being a light biege with slight blue lines.

Motros, being a biege in colour with yellow spots, the boldest of the three species and the easiest to tame, readilly accepting live earthworms from the shopkeeper and myself.

Leopoldi, the most striking of the the three, jet black with pure white spots but very shy.

In each case, when buying any rays, thoroughy research them to check water parameters. Find out (if you can), how long the rays have been in the wholesaler (fortunately i know my store keeper well and i can keep track of the import list, so can keep note of what came in and when), if you cant do this it is imperitive that you ask to see the rays feeding as they are prone to not feeding and subsequently starve to death. Find out what the rays are fed on and this should be provided with anything else you wish to feed him or her. sorry i cant provide more specific info but now you have some species to research, Happy Hunting :fun:
That's great thanks for all your help, I've got a bit of saving to do before I can afford a big enough tank with all the trimmings yet so plenty of time for research!

Thanks again

there really is no such thing as a teacup stingray. it is often a name given in the lfs to stingrays that cant be identified. check out fresh water stingrays the person that made the page doesnt speak english very well but its the best stringray page ive seen. (actually i htink its the ONLY one)
Ah yes thanks for the site if I knew what this guy was talking about I'm sure it would be a very good one ;)

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