Freshwater Stingray With An Issue


New Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Fairchild AFB, WA
I've got a Motoro ray in my tank and I noticed that he has what looks like chalk on his back near the tail. I dont know what it is, i've never had an issue with him before. If any one has any ideas or knows what it might be help would be wonderful. I've been treating the tank with melafix as well because of another fish that is injuried.
Do you mean like a dusting of talc, as you can get velvet which is a parasite, any flicking and rubbing on objects or laboured breathing, has the fish lost weight.

Look under velvet.

Also can you make sure the white on him dosnt look fluffy in appearance.
Do you mean like a dusting of talc, as you can get velvet which is a parasite, any flicking and rubbing on objects or laboured breathing, has the fish lost weight.

Look under velvet.

Also can you make sure the white on him dosnt look fluffy in appearance.

it looks like my son got a hold of a piece of sidewalk chalk and colored on him, but i highly doubt that. Hes acting completely normal and everything, hes eating like a pig, swimming around and even 'playing' like usual. its not fluffy, its flat on his body.
Well it bacterial or parasite hard at the moment to say which one, but i think i would try a bacterial med first, if there no flicking and rubbing on things, or laboured breathing, what do the gills look like, are they normal, or do they have mucas on them, or red and inflamed.
Water stats would be good too in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.

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