Freshwater Sand


Fish Crazy
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land Of The Rising Sun
Hi all,

Just wanna ask where to get some freshwater sand. And don't tell me to get it at my LFS, coz i've already ask all of the shops in my
So, can someone pls tell me where i can get some freshwater sand?? (like what kinda shop sells it?)

have u tryed to have your LFS order it for you. if not try that. also i saw a ? like that on the forum two days ago and they said try a (pool store)which i know have sand so try lookin there hope this HELPS :)
hey i looked n the forum for the ? about sand and the name is pool filter sand and u can get it from a swimming pool store .
yeah the Pool Filter will work better because it not really sand it's a safe small sand like grain that is small enough for the waste to get through and big enough to use the valcum :cool:
There is nothing wrong with playsand, it's primarily what I use. PFS is just as good. You can also use construction sand, concrete sand, etc. though some of these can be very time consuming to clean.
I heard that pool sand eats up their insides, is this true?
Not true. I've had Pool Sand for months and none of my fish are even remotely sickly. They're almost all bottom dwellers too so if there was a sign of internal complications, they'd get it fast.

Pool Filter sand is better because it's a heavy grain, meant to be in water where Play Sand is lighter and meant to be tossed around and played in by children.

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