Freshwater Rays

Right place, lots of topics

The gist:
Highly sensitive to water chemistry, are prone to accidents with heaters, need large, 150-200+ US gallon aquariums with lots of swimming space, picky eaters that should be started on live food then moved to frozen food, and should be in well established aquariums. CFC and those who have them can give you more accurate information.
Teelies covered the basics, you will need a tank which is at least 5 feet long and 2 and half feet wide, larger is prefferable and you will need perfect water quality 100% of the time, rays are very sensative to nitrogen pollution. Healthy happy rays should eat whatever you give them though normal foods are frozen whitebait/silver sides, prawns/shrimp, mussels and cockles. For picky rays live bloodworm, earthworms and live shrimp are usually best until they start to accept frozen foods.

As far as i know freshwater rays are illegal to import or own in Australia, i could be wrong though.
if you can provide a tank big enough and are willing to devote a a fair bit of time and money they are fascinating fish :D
if you want a good idear of the size that a ray can get

look at the wheels on your car with the tyre and thats the size of an adult motoro if you think you have enoght space in your tank for 2 x car wheels in your tank then go for it :D

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