Hmhm, Google is a good thing
I think you need atleast 120 gallon to keep most FW rays.
I'm not an expert, but I've heard somethings.
The are pretty facinating.
PaulMTS and CFC I think have FW rays, you might want to PM them.
Here's a thread.. http/
What do you/have you kept?
It requires a bit of knownledge that the begginer doen't understand untill they know it.
I know there's million upon millions of bits of information I don't know - no one will ever really know all of it.
But it helps to know what you can.
So we can try and get you cought up, tells us what you know about fishkeeping.
Do you know about cycling?
Do you know about compatabillity?
Water changes?
rays are great but you will need a mature tank of at least 125g or so i can gather i did some research coz i would love one too.are you a begginner home boy?
I wouldn't suggest rays for a beginner (if you are).
The smallest rays have a disk size of 12", excluding tail. A 125g is too small, not only dimension wise, but water volume wise. Theres not much room for error, rays are not forgiving when it comes to water quality.
I'd suggest 30" wide tank minimum, as well as 6' minimum length, plus a lot of experience.
Freshwater stingrays are some of the more difficult species of fish to keep and should only be kept by experienced fish keepers with large tanks, 150 gallons (5x2x2') would be the smallest tank id recomend and even that is small.