Freshwater puffer community?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2003
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My husand has fallen for these queer looking fish and has the desire for putting more than one type into a 20 gallon (us). What is your advise?

I wouldnt suggest more than one type of puffer in a tank becuase some are more agressive than others which means the docile ones will be picked on a great a deal.

What kind of FW puffers are you talking about? Dwarfs and South Americans?
forgot about congos but DP and SAs are the common FW puffers.

I know that a member here has done it with some sucess but it does depend on both the puffers personality(s) and the decore/tank size. Lines of sight should always be broken up to keep down on agression as well as caves/hidey holes provided as escapes and sleeping areas. In a larger tank there is more room to escape but i still wouldnt suggest putting two species of puffer together.

If you're talking about any other puffer species than dwarfs and SA's the chances are they are too large to fit in a 20g (ie an Mbu or Fahaka) or they will need brackish conditions to marine as they age (ie Green spoted puffers , Figure eightsare BW). Some LFS sell these as FW when they really are BW.
Then I will encourage him to look at Dwarf Puffer or South American.


Not a problem!

But keep in mind, all puffers teeth are continuously growing much like a beaver's, therefore they have to be fed chrunchy foods such as cockles, squid, snails, shellfish, etc. The most idea for small puffers such as SA's and DP's would be pest snails or smaller pond snails. The other thing with SA's is that they require their 'beak' or teeth to be trimmed esomewhere around every 6 months (?) becuase their beak grows extremely fast no matter how much chrunchy food is offered. There is a process by which to do it that seems to stress the owners out more than the actually puffer. It has to do with clove oil and cuticle trimmers. You can find the details @ ####/ under hospitol/teeth trimming.

Dwarfs do not require the trimming but still need to be offered the chrunchy food as i said before to keep their teeth down so it does not hinder eating.

I hope this helps!
apprently i cant give you link :angry: but if you pm me i'll help you out if you do consider getting South Africans.
Rudy2860 said:
......but if you pm me i'll help you out if you do consider getting South Africans.
I was considering South American Puffers (Colomesus asellus), is that what you mean?

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