Mostly New Member
I am currently working on getting my aquarium environment ready for a freshwater pipefish, currently the tank is stocked with a small school of peaceful fish, shrimp, snails, and many plants, I have added in java moss as well to make housing for cultivating planktonic organisms, I am wondering though is this enough?, I am beginning a culture of infusoria and have a small 1.5 gallon circulating tank with 3 small shrimp and some snails that i was going to use as the combined culture tank for infusoria and the amphipods, copepods, Daphnia, freshwater rotifers, and Ostracods i was going to use for feeding, I am hoping to slowly intoduce colonies to the main tank at the sites where there is java moss growing, will this be enough to create a sustainable environment for Freshwater Pipefish? we are looking at Doryichthys Martensii as the favored choice to add into the tank, but we just discovered the Enneacampus ansorgii breed, and now are debated on that variety possibly even stocking both if we can get the plankton cultured, we also have a steady supply of blackworms as well