Freshwater lobster


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2004
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I am getting a Freshwater Lobster from my LFS. The reason being that my nan had a 15 gallon which was fine. Had some snails but otherwise Ok. Today I went out with my nan (half-term and my mum is working so I go over my nans house) and got a call from my uncle who had popped in my nans house. He said that all the fish are dead except 5 :crazy: . I rushed to my nans house and the tank was about 90 degrees faerenheit. I saved a Stripped Talking Catfish, a Bristlenose, a Guppy, a Black Molly and a Clown Loach. They are now safe in my other tanks so I got new fish :D . She also said that I could have the tank because she didn't want it anymore. I then went out and bought some sand for substrate (@had gravel and a lot of snails so I stripped it) and a new thermostat. I set it up and now I am getting a Lobster and maybe a Butterflyfish for it. What do you think? Any info on these fish will be good.
good for you, how big is the tank and why are you getting rid of the snails why not geta puffer? or if they are MTSs you should keep them around for the sand so as to keep it airated.


P.S. if you got a puffer you would need to work hard to keep it with the FW lobster (crayfish).
It is a 15 gallon. I have stripped it and started fresh. I was gonna put 2 Clown Loach in and buy the lobster a few days later then catch the Clowns while I am adjusting the Lobster. The reason I was not planning on getting a puffer was I thought the Lobster would attack the puffer when it rests on the bottom and the Puffer has beak like mouthso when the lobster sheds the Puffer may bite it then and I would lose the Lobster. I was gonna have 1-2 Chaca chaca but I went for the lobster. Any info would be good. How do you feed them? What else can I keep with it?
correvt me If I'm wrong but dont loache eat inverts? you may want to look into that and Into the lobster eating the loaches seeing as how they are on the bottom most of the time.

I was gonna but some Clowns and remove them a few days later. Then put the lobster in. How much waste does a lobster make?
less than a fish the same size but they clean up enought food to make up for there size in most tanks infact alot of people don't even concider inverts when they look at how stocked there tank is.

Wouldn't they be saltwater? I am in the UK so it will be difficult :X
As the name implies Fresh water lobsters are in fact fresh water and they should be available in the UK seeing as how the UK has like 0 sq. Kilometers of wild lands left to protect.

You must have misunderstood. I was on about the Highlanders Live Lobster for $15
Yesterday I went out and after 6 days the tank was fine! I was sooo happy and got the Lobster straight away. He seems to have settled in good and is wandering around the tank at night. I put some bloodworm in and he ate a bit but not much. He is about 4 inches and I will post a picture so you can identify him properly.
Hi Perky! I'm a newbie, so my reply will be coming to you a little belatedly, but your topic caught my attention. Last week I got my first freshwater lobster(crayfish). It's just a tiny thing, I've seen larger, prettier ones at the lfs, but the wholesalers had shipped this one to the lfs with their shipment of feeder goldfish. I was able to purchase it from the for the cost of a feeder goldfish... a pretty sweet deal, I thought. Not wanting to take the chance of losing any of my fish as lobster food, he is in a ten gallon tank by himself for the present time, as I come across any culls from my growout tanks, I will use them as guinea pigs to find out what is safe to keep with it. Feeding doesn't seem to be a problem, as it eats most anything I put in the tank,flakes, frozen,etc., and I treat it just as I would any other fish as far as water changes and tank maintenance go. Hope things on your end are going well, keep us posted. fishdudein
He was not eating for the first 2 days and then he shed his shell. My Nan thought he was dead and was going to turn the tank off but my Mum stopped her. I am going to buy a Butterflyfish ASAP. They had one at my LFS but I ain't been there for a while (5 days :rofl: ) so it may have gone.
I have owned a "Blue lobster" for quite some time, as far as i can make out these guys are originaaly from austrailia or foloria. They are great pets to keep, but try and keep them on their own as they can fight to the death if kept in close quarters with other lobsters.

I think they are actually crayfish, but not sure has havent been able to find much info. guys if you have any info let me know!!

If you do buy one, give it plenty of hiding places and move decor around evry so often to keep them interested, mine loves playing with snail shells, they also like to climb so make sure your tank is covered.

The most interesting thing is when they grow they will shed their old skin, its amazing to watch

Heres a pic of mine Here
Mine looks like yours but is a darker blue and has red sections on the outside of it's two claws.

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