Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone cultured live foods that would be suitable for seeding a (semi) self-sustaining setup. Things that will be able to survive and reproduce within a planted freshwater aquarium. I'm thinking Daphnia moina (I can get pulex from work), mexican gammarus, California blackworm, cyclops, rotifers, planaria, that kind of thing. They'll be a food source for either a Parosphomenus or Badis species tank.
I was wondering if anyone cultured live foods that would be suitable for seeding a (semi) self-sustaining setup. Things that will be able to survive and reproduce within a planted freshwater aquarium. I'm thinking Daphnia moina (I can get pulex from work), mexican gammarus, California blackworm, cyclops, rotifers, planaria, that kind of thing. They'll be a food source for either a Parosphomenus or Badis species tank.