freshwater gobies


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2003
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:thumbs: I have been browsing the fish store near home and have seen some bumble bee gobies. I looked up freshwater gobies on the net and saw a few interesting species. Has anyone kept these little guys. I think I would like to get some if anyone may know a good place to contact to purchase some also. Chat later gotta run.
Hi ginger,

I could be wrong but arn't gobies brackish? :/

..(I'm pretty sure the bubblebee is)

Bumble bee gobies are a brackish species and will suffer if kept in freshwater,they are also notorious fin nippers and should only be kept with species with no long fins and that are able to look after themselves,good tankmates are small puffer fish .

If you are interested in small freshwater gobies then look up peacock gobies TATEURNDINA OCELLICCAUDA,possibly the most peaceful of all gobies they are suitable for small tanks and are easy to breed.
Yep, I knew that the bumble bee gobies were brackish but I couldn't remember the names of the others I saw. Some other species have been caught from inland streams and such so I wouldn't imagine they would be brackish. I will try to hunt down the peacock gobies. Just don't know where to find them. My local pet stores get stocked up on Tuesdays from their supplier and are at the mercy of whatever he finds. Never seen gobies. If I had to order over the net how do you think I could make it worth the money.
If you get the peacock gobies then breed them and sell the fry to your lfs,youll soon earn back the money for the shipping that way.
Dormitator Maculata is a nice Goby but can get to several inches and will predate on small/medium sized fish. They tend to be periodically available B)
Thanks a bunch you guys I will look into that. What all substrate etc do I need to breed the peacocks, if you know it off hand I am sure I can dig around and find out. Chat at ya later.
One helpful hint I found is when looking for FW Gobies try searching for Gudgeons, you'll get more hits on the search engine.
Thank you pufferback. You guys have any helpful suggestions for setting up a bunch of tanks on one undergravel filter system. I have a post in the hardware section if you care to look.
I have three bumble bees in a 10g freshwater of my bees is from a store that kept them in brackish water and the other two came from a different store that kept them in a freshwater tank...all are doing great...they are said to like hiding places and act territorial...but that hasn't been the case with mine...they swim all of the time and lay out on rocks as if they're sun of them swims with my 6 rummy noses...the man that owns the fs that I bought the 2 bees from, said that they don't 'require' brackish water...he's an odd man, but quite knowledgable...

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