Freshwater Fish Similar To Mandarinfish?


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I really really like the mandarin fish (but also other blennys) but I don't have any experience with saltwater tanks and I know these fish are very hard to keep...

So I was wondering...Is there a fish that is similar to this fish as for the colors - the multitude of the colors?
(And please don't say chichlids cause the ones I looked up so far were not as colorfull or rather they mainly had one color - bright blue, yellow....)If so what species?

Oh and it needs to be happy in a 180 l tank (no residents as of yet)

Thank you so much :)
Honestly, you're not going to find anything that brightly coloured for freshwater and if anyone does come up with anything I shall doff my cap and eat it.

Peacock gobies (technically peacock gudgeons) are small but quite colourful.

German blue rams are colourful, yes they're a cichlid but not one solid colour.
If your looking for color, then some types of malawis would be a great fit, or maybe even a high quality guppy from Thailand or Malaysia

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