freshwater dwarf puffers?


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey, i went to an amazing lfs today which is about 20 mins drive from my house. In their, there was over 100 tanks off all different kinds of fish and listen to this, not a single dead fish in any of them! All new arrivals were in quarantine and the prices were very good. Also, i noticed that they fish were of very good quality, in other lfs angelfish tend to have a bump on top their head but in this one all of the angels looked perfect! They had knifefish, a ray, discus, angels, african claw frogs, kuhlis, dwarf puffers (leading to me question) and many others. Back to the there such thing as freshwater dwarf puffers because i had read about them but thought they were brackish?
Do a search for puffers and have a look in the oddball section of this forum :) The general rule is that puffers should be kept in a species only tank, so I wouldnt get one to go in the excisting tanks you already have. There are however plenty of freshwater puffers, the smallest staying being the dwarf puffer that gets no bigger than an inch in length. If you'd be able to buy another 15G you could keep 3 in there, concidering you'd give them a lot of plants and pots/caves for hiding places.

There are bigger puffers you can keep in lets say a 20G as well, but there's just too much to go over now. Have a look in the oddball section, and do a lot of research ... with an extra tank, there's plenty of choices :)
Cool thanks, i bought 4 kuhli loaches for my newest 50G and an ACF and considered the puffers. My emptiest and newest 50G is really well planted and has many hiding places so with what i currently have you would definately advise against gettin 3/4?
Hey DMan99, were they really small no more than a 1in. in size...If so they are a truely freshwater fish. Infact they are the only one that arn't a brackish or saltwater. so if they where about that size(1/2in-1in) then yes they are dwarf puffers. :kana: (I've kept these and they are the ciute things :wub: )

Man you can put them with other fish these guys are friendly(unless you get ones that go nutts for the long fined fish(plecos especially)like bettas))

Yeah after reading ur advice i purchased 3 dwarf puffers which at the moment are 3/4 inch in length. They seem to be doing really well! Thanks for ur advice, ive put them into the well planted 50g with caves, the emptiest one.
Watch them VERY closely. Once the puffers settle in, you will start to notice the rummynoses with parts of their tails missing, the rams with ragged dorsal fins, dead khulis & frogs and an elephantnose without a trunk.

I cannot say this enough times.

All puffer species are temperamental and should not be kept with other species without close monitoring and a back-up strategy
Good Luck with your puffers Dman99. We are looking to get some in a few weeks.

One question though. Which fish store was it? The only ones I can think of that would be about 20mins from you would be Shotgate Aquatics in Shotgate or Swallows in Rayleigh. If there is another LFS (especially one that is as good as you say) then it would be interesting to know. Ta

Daveo said:
Hey DMan99, were they really small no more than a 1in. in size...If so they are a truely freshwater fish. Infact they are the only one that arn't a brackish or saltwater. so if they where about that size(1/2in-1in) then yes they are dwarf puffers. :kana: (I've kept these and they are the ciute things :wub: )

Man you can put them with other fish these guys are friendly(unless you get ones that go nutts for the long fined fish(plecos especially)like bettas))

Where can I start?
Hey DMan99, were they really small no more than a 1in. in size...If so they are a truely freshwater fish.
You were correct in this bit, but how do you know that they weren't some kind of baby fish?

Infact they are the only one that arn't a brackish or saltwater.
How wrong can you get? There is many kinds of true freshwater! Fahaka, mbu, red eye, south american, lots more. How could you be so wrong?

I've kept these and they are the ciute things :wub: )
Agrre with you on this onbe though! :*) :lol:

Man you can put them with other fish these guys are friendly(unless you get ones that go nutts for the long fined fish(plecos especially)like bettas))
No you can't put them with other fish! How stupid can you be? Wehn people are ignorant and don't look through these posts and topics carefully, it winds me up! They will viciously attack all other fish! They are carnivores for heavens sake! No matter how small they are, they can be very vicious! And they will all go nuts!

I'm don't think you have really done your research, as I don't think just this one topic counts. Take them back to the shop, or get another tank of at least 15gals.

I'm fraid to say that if you cannot provide the correct care (this includs SPOTLESS water) then take them back.

6 x zebra danios 2 x golden rams 1 x male butterflyfish 1 x female butterflyfish 1 x elehpantnose fish 1 x featherfinned synodontis 12 x rummynose tetras 6 x black ruby barbs 4 x kuhli loaches 1 x ACF 3 x dwarf puffers
These will all suffer now that you have the puffers, take my advice, and take them back, or cycle a tank right away.

:angry: Very angry reading this topic.
I saw that he went ahead and bought them yesterday and decided not to reply anymore because I was too pissed off. Why is it that when people hear something they dont like and hearing and hear something they do like hearing they always pick the advice they do like, even though deep down they know it wont be for the best? Was I not clear enough saying they cant be kept with other fish and that the guy should do his research first? Blah ... I'm not gonna try to be polite next time a topic like this comes up. I guess some people really do just need a " NO! they'll hurt/kill all your fish!" for an answer. Blah
U guys need to calm down, i took all of ur advice. The puffers have since been removed from my 50G and put in my brothers 15G empty but cycled tank. I'm just a guy who likes fish, i dont need abuse just because of one thing i have done. I read all your information and the 3 puffers are on their own in their tank which is 24 x12 x 12. Adequate enough? Im new to this forum but not new to fishkeeping so if you have any problems please let me know but at least have the decency to acknowledge i have more brain cells then a piece of wood. Thankyou Sir Minion, i read all about Cookie and was inspired lol. U put ur advice across and when reading it it became apparent the puffers were not going to do well in my 50G so they were moved. Thankyou for you constructive criticism, unlike others here...I've enjoyed this forum and i just hope that the unfriendliness i have experienced here is not something that will be a regular occurence.

Enough said. I'm sorry but dont jump to conclusions, the puffers are fine.
The fish store is in Bradford, cant really describe as i just get driven their, bt as you are drivin up one of the main roads on ur way to Tong for example it says tropical fish on the facing wall and above the doorway appears some artistic koi but inside is amazin...
I have seen a few posts that warrant a change to the banner at the top, though rare and in this case they were giving the correct info, though calling people stupid is out of order IMO.

DMan99 said:
i have more brain cells then a piece of wood. Thankyou Sir Minion, i read all about Cookie and was inspired lol. U put ur advice across and when reading it it became apparent the puffers were not going to do well in my 50G so they were moved. Thankyou for you constructive criticism
Glad to be of service.

sorry if my post was a little....blunt.
Usually I stay out of posts like this because I dont like admitting I was wrong :p However, I'm gonna do it this time anyway. I'm sorry for my reaction, and I'm really glad you did take all the advice given to you and that they're in their own tank now. Its just that this kind of post comes up a lot, and often people just dont listen and blame the puffers later on for being ' killers '.

I'm sure you'll look after them properly and they'll love you for it! After all, they're absolutely great fish :D Enjoy them!

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