Freshwater Clams And Vampire Shrimp


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2007
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Maryland U.S.A
What do you guys thing about freshwater clams and vampire shrimp> Are they fairly easy to keep, will the clams be in danger from the loaches? Will the shrimp be agressive to the loaches? What water peraeters do you suggest?

Ohh and it may help to know what fish my tanks would have.

They can go in tank 1
2 Mating Angel Pair
2 Botia Kubotia
3 Clown Loaches
4 Paleatus Corys
2 Large Plecos
4 Leopard Gouramis

Tank 2
2 Angelfish
4 Rainbow fish/different varieties
2 Smaller Plecos
2 Chinese Algae Eaters
1 Opaline Gourami

Tank 3
6 Young Discus
1 Bristlenose Plecos
I have vampire shrimp, I keep them with small fish, they are not agressive to anything even the smallest baby shrimp, I dont know if your fish would bother them, if they have a place to hide when they moult they should be okay, the loaches or angels might bother them though. A lot of their food they sift from the water with their fans but I think they need a little crushed flake aimed at their fans to keep them healthy. They seem pretty adaptable with regards to water. I have kept them in acidic soft water and neutral water. I dont know anything about keeping clams, except that it is said to be quite hard to keep them alive long term.

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