Freshwater Clams And Mussels!


New Member
Nov 21, 2008
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I didn't know there were freshwater clams and mussels until I came across this and this websites. So any of you kept them before? If so, what are their compatibility with goldfish, small tropical fish, and other fish?
I didn't know there were freshwater clams and mussels until I came across this and this websites. So any of you kept them before? If so, what are their compatibility with goldfish, small tropical fish, and other fish?

sadly its not practical to keep these critters in a community tank. the truth is most, simply, starve to death. as they are in a shell under the substrate, they are impossible to monitor, health wise. it can take a year or more for one to starve, and you honestly would not know till it does. and if one dies in your tank, you will know soon enough, as they can cause havoc.
hehe there are often loooaaads of swan mussel shells lying in or around our local lake including a huuuge Terrapin :blink: I think there are two species native in the UK although don't quote me on that.

Anyway things like that are apparently a bad idea because if they die you often don't know about it and they can mess your tank up and kill fish. Someone might have a better idea than me though...
They can clear up greenwater as well as a UV sterilizer with some current, but after that, they typically starve to death in an aquarium. This can take months, though, sometimes years. To keep them alive, you'd have to culture greenwater and move them into it occasionally so they can eat.

A few facts that came up in a recent thread about freshwater clams and mussels:

If they move, they're unhappy, likely about water quality.
If they're happy, they'll never move, and might even bury themselves never to be seen again.
When they die, they can cause major water problems very quickly.
Unless it's moving around, it's effectively impossible to gauge its health, the first warning you get that it's suffering is likely going to be when it dies.

Really, it's an awful lot of work for a brown, sessile invertebrate. You can pretty much get the same effect and enjoyment putting the empty shell or a realistic fake in your tank.

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