Fresh Water Puffers?

My favourite favourite favourite fish!!!

read the pinned topics in oddballs institute
There are loads of feshwater puffers, the most popular being the dwarf puffer and the Mbu puffer.
Yeah but Mbu's get fairly large and aggressive. I wouldn't recommend most freshwater puffers to anyone but an experienced keeper. The Dwarf is a nice, small exception though. I've seen them before and they are very tempting.
The dwarf is not an exception as they are incredibly aggresive for their size, the most peacefull are probably green spotted puffers (a brackish species), south american puffers or red eye red tail puffers, yet even these are aggressive, using their powerfull beaks against other fish.
The dwarf is not an exception as they are incredibly aggresive for their size, the most peacefull are probably green spotted puffers (a brackish species), south american puffers or red eye red tail puffers, yet even these are aggressive, using their powerfull beaks against other fish.

I meant exception as in they can go in a tank as small as 5 gallons and live quite well. A Mbu and many of the others get much too large for the average aquarist, are too messy and too demanding on water conditions. Aggression has nothing to do with ease of keeping. Most African cichlids are aggressive as well but not hard to keep.
Sorry about that, ive heard too many stories that go along the lines of ... ' and then i added dwarf puffers to my community tank...'
i have a green spotted puffer and a south american puffer in the same tank...full grown and they have shown no this wierd or comon.?
i have a green spotted puffer and a south american puffer in the same tank...full grown and they have shown no this wierd or comon.?

If they are "full grown" then there are other issues that you should be concerned with.

Green Spotted Puffers, or GSP's are a fish that lives in brackish water, that means that it requires salt in it's water. This will not mix well with a lot of your other fish, as they will not appreciate the salt in your water.

A full grown Green Spotted Puffer is around 6 inches. That's too small for a 29 gallon, let alone with the other fish within it.

As for whether or not them not showing aggression to each other is "weird" or "common". It's weird, because they are 2 fish that should not be housed together, under any circumstances.

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