Freezing fish food


Fish Fanatic
Mar 17, 2004
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Ontario, Canada
Since I got my fish I have bought many different types of food to give them a varied diet. I don't imagine these foods stay fresh forever once the seal has been broken so I'm wondering if I can freeze all these little jars of food and each day just give them some right out of the freezer? I have floating pellets, sinking shrimp pellets, flakes, algae wafers, etc. etc. Lots of food but not many fish LOL!
If you don't want to freez them, keep them at least in a refridgerator. Then take food for week or two to other cups and keep main cups in cold and closed.

If you put main cups to freezer, be sure that there is no moisture presents. If you aren't sure, if it is good idea to freeze them, put couple pellets, some flakes etc. to other jar and put that jar into your freezer. Take it out after day or two and watch what happens. If the food is still ok, then it will be ok to put them into freezer.
I agree with all of the above, but the one thing that I would like to mention is that you throughly deforst the food before feeding it to your fish.
i got flake food and wafers and i freeze them it keeps them fresh longer. mine never froze at all just kept em cool witch is better then laying out at room temperature all day. i just take em out the frozer and drop em right in.

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