Pendragon has probably hit the nail on the head here. Fish should be fed a good variety of foods. I feed most of my fish twice a day, try to vary what I am feeding them, I use flakes,pellets, tablets, algae wafers, freeze dried tubifex, frozen brine shrimp, frozen plankton, frozen bloodworms,frozen silversides, algae sheets. That's just the stuff from the lfs. They also enjoy cooked salad shrimp, mussels, squid,octopus,cucumbers,canned peas from the grocery store. I keep my snail infestations under control by crunching them up occasionally as a snack (for the fish, not me

), also feed occasional earthworms and crickets. There is so much variety that they can be fed, and I feel by alternating mealstuffs on a constant basis you pretty much guarantee healthier fish, and you know the fish have to appreciate it. I think of flake food as being along the same lines as corn flakes, nice for breakfast once in a while, probably even good for you, get some enriched corn flakes you could probably live on cornflakes alone forever......but would you want to?