Freeze Dried Foods And Diseases


New Member
Aug 19, 2012
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I read that tubifex or bloodworms carry diseases. Would freeze dried of the same be free of disease?
Thanks, Ryan
Yes; the frozen ones are safe too :good:
Who gets diseases from tubifex or bloodworms?

As a general rule, this isnt true.... Tubifex to be fair are pretty discusting, they come from drainage systems... however, as long as you dont eat them or handle them and proceed to lick your hands... im pretty sure you'd be safe! ;)

Bloodworms are pretty harmless! If you clean out any filter in any pond, you'll generally find red wriggly 'bloodworms' in there, or in any bucket of standing water, give it a tap and watch the red and black squigglies wriggle away... they wont hurt you, though i'm not advising you to eat them either.

As for the frozen foods, they have been Gamma Irradiated and are completely safe. Here is a few quotes to give you an idea:

Irradiation is considered one of the most efficient technological processes for the reduction of microorganisms in food. It can be used to improve the safety of food products, and to extend their shelf lives.

Gamma irradiated. This completely eliminates any risk of introducing harmful parasites or bacteria into your aquarium, and also means that the food is completely safe to store in your freezer.

And so on...

Its the same with people fussing around and being overly sensitive in terms of reptiles, thinking its easy to get salmonella from reptiles, its not easy... for a start, its generally what the reptile eats and not the reptile itself and secondly... it comes down to basic hygiene and husbandry! Keep your pets environment clean, dont kiss or lick your pets etc and wash your hands!

Simple. Get some hand gel and after putting your hands in tank or using frozen or live foods :)
Yes i meant fish diseases. I came across an article saying they are safe because they are dried which would kill any of the diseases. True?

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