free snails!

i've looked into it and it doesn't seem like the right addition to any of my tanks. thanks though.
Oh pleez, send me some snails that do nothing more than fill the tank with crap. Have you ever put a snail in a bare tank and seen how much waste it produces? It's astonishing! Try it... you'll be disgusted.
nino said:
for the "friendliest forum around" you sure have a SHlTTY attitude.
I don't think you're allowed to use that word (the "s" word). Is there a mod that could clean this thread up a bit?

Maybe a bit sarcastic.. .but not sh***y IMO
well i don't appreciate whatever kind of attitude it was, yeah i know they're messy but i dont want to kill them so i am hoping someone (who also acknowledges that snails are living things that don't really deserve to die just because they are a nuisance) would like to help me in my "cause" or whatever you wanna call it
Yes I know what you mean. And anyone that want mosquitoes shipped from Minnesota (even thought they're a nuisance they don't deserve to die) let me know. Ooops! Was that my attitude showing again?
How much would shipping be to 30116, Georgia. I would like several if you don't mind.
johninga said:
How much would shipping be to 30116, Georgia. I would like several if you don't mind.
When aquabid comes back up you can find snails there for a decent price. I just bought some from a person that normally sells on there.

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