Free Microworm Culture


Pocket Full Of Fish
Feb 5, 2004
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General: Well I have many Microworms and Im willing to give some away U willi get a small culture. But u only need a little to get a lot so many u will do the same thing Im doing. Microworms re a good source of live-food for Betta Fry Cory Fry and Killie Fry and many other type of fry. Now I only have 1 culture to give away so the first 2 people win one. All u got to do is pay-shipping and u get ur MW culture.

How To Get Them: All u got to do is give me 20 reasons why u like Tropical Fish.. :thumbs:

Thats All I got to say remember 20 reasons why u love fish..I know cause of there color look...ect

:kana: Good Luck :kana:
I forgot to mention only U.S.A... :)

I do not ship to Hawaii and Alaska... :/
I don't want any of the culture, but I thought I would post why I love fish!

1. They are georgous to look at.
2. They are calming to watch.
3. It feels good to know that these fish are depending on me to survive
4. I love that I get to determine their surroundings, and that I can change it anytime I want.
5. There are so many varieties that you could never have the same tank twice!
6. They are a great conversation starter. (My tank is one of the first things people see when they walk in my house and they always go right over to it)
7. They have babies!
8. Knowing that I have people to help me out when I get stuck!
9. They are so less labour intensive than a cat or a dog (They can be more if you run into problems, but generally, mine are easy to care for)
10. I can just sit there and watch them all day and they can't run away or say "what are you looking at"
11. Having them 'kiss' me when I clean the tank (apparently freckles aren't edible)
12. There are tons of kinds that are inexpensive, So I can stock the tank for less than $35 if I really wanted to.
13. Decorations are endless, so you can have a million different environments in 1 tank
14. The sound of the water moving and the air bubble popping is so relaxing, if I can't fall asleep I go lay on the couch and can fall asleep in minutes.
15. They know me. If i walk in the room they come to the front of the tank and play with me (they follow my finger all around the tank)
16. If I'm super busy, it can wait another day to be cleaned.

Umm. i can't think of anything else right now.
Very good I hope people get Ideas..... :)

Why dont u want a Culture?
I dunno. For 1 I wouldn't know what to do with them. I only have a few fry, and they are eating flake, blood worm and tubifex worms already, and I live in Canada.
lol 55, arn't 20 reasons a bit too much? why not make it "describe in 25 words or less, why i should give a cultrue to you"

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