Free - Goldfish, Loach And Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2007
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Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: One White and red goldfish (I think it's a moor?) and a small yellow loach (I think it's a yoyo/weather loach). Also is a small plastic tank (12inches deep, 13 inches tall and 17 inches long). Included is a small filter and gravel.
Age and condition: This set up is about 3 years old, I've had these fish about two years. Both are very healthy.
Quantity for sale: n/a
Reason for Sale: Rearranging the flat and there isn't a good home for this tank.
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: Free (Although I won't say no to a nice packet of digestives ;) )
Postage & Packaging: not posting
Location: Hammersmith London (W6 9JD)


I am interested but in Birmingham, however my hubby is dropping a friend at heathrow on thursday 8th about 8pm if the tank hasnt gone by then he could possible pick it up or if you could meet him at heathrow somewhere?
For once in my life I actually know what I'm doing a week in advance. Unfortunately, I know it's my godsons birthday and I'm away from the flat that night. So sorry.
No problem, hope they get a good home.
I live in London and already have a few rescued goldfish and a weather loach. I'd love to have them as I've been looking for a friend for my loach. Your tank is too snall for a goldfish in the long term but that's no problem as I'm moving my goldfish to a 4ft tank soon. I'm sending you a message with my contact details

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