Free Fry Frenzy....


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2006
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My guppy gave birth to six fry a month ago, and they all lived. Then she popped out about eight more a few days ago. They are all in a fry tank. I kept the first batch in a breeding net for a few weeks so they were stunted, I think. they are only slightly bigger than the new fry. Won't do that again.

Then I went to the pet store yesterday, and they had 8 silver molly fry they gave me for free that are already half-grown. I couldn't believe they gave them to me. And they gave me two other misc. livebearer fry. I don't know if they are swordtails or some kind of platy/swordtail mix (can that happen?)

Then today I went to ANOTHER lfs store and got about 20 gold balloon molly babies and 2 black molly babies!! I can't believe it, all the fish in the stores are giving birth, and they are giving them away.

Now I also have a heavily pregnant guppy and two or three more that will probably drop in a few weeks. (I have four female guppies and no males, but apparently they came pregnant)

I have fry coming out of my ears!! I currently have the juvie mollies in my 29 gallon with the guppies and a trio of platys, and all the other fry in a five gallon. I'm cycling two ten gallon tanks to get them ready for the fry when they get older.

Of course, I wouldn't be doing this except that I have three fish stores that will take them (though only one will give me credit) and I will just keep a few of each drop.

But this is great. I have always wanted to raise baby fish and in two and a half years with mollies it never happened (or they were eaten before I could see them by the gold barbs that have now been rehomed) No babies for so long, now I got guppies and its babies up the wazoo.

I'm just sharing because its so awesome!

One question- for the five gallon tank with the 30 or so fry- how often should I be doing PWCs and how much? I'm thinking about 20% twice a week- is that too much?
I do 50% at least every other day on my fry tank...
Sarah, on a tank that small, I would go along with NoSoup4You and say at least every other day and make it a large change. Those fish will quickly become an enormous bioload.
the mollys and guppy can breed so be careful to seperate the them if you dont want anymore fry :)

take care

Sarah x
I do 50% at least every other day on my fry tank...

I dont think she will need to do this much jusy yet, if i was her i would keep an eye on the levels and adjust the water changes accordingly, i have a 8 gallon tank with about 50 endler fry in it and after experimenting i only need to do 40% waterchange once a week, although i do more though, i now do 2 30% water changes a week cos more waterchanges helps growth on fry.

All i use in this tank btw is a small 4" sponge filter.

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