Free 3" Male Convict Cichlid


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2009
Reaction score
Went in as food for a barramundi a while back but has now grown and managed to avoid being eaten so anyone who wants him is free too take him.
You saying it went in for food for a barramundi is making me want to say "How about i put you in a tank with a f'ing shark see how long you survive" :crazy: :< :shout:
I really can't tollerate the likes of you, saying as convicts are worthless and many have too cull the fry as they are not able too get rid of them. I have not fed live fish since the mundi started eating deadfoods the reason for me doing so earlier is that it would eat nothing but live, i'm sure your aware that barramundi are rare over here and if you were faced with the situation you would rather feed livefoods than watching a prized fish waste away. Your just the typical armchair expert sitting reading through articles with no real life experience in this field, So go out get some proper experience with true predators and then you'll learn why we have too use livefoods.
Im not here for a bitchy arguement, Just my point of view. :good:
nothing wrong with a point of view, life would be boring wihout them but theres a way of putting it on an internet forum......your response was deserved of a retort from Syndontis jack
your entitled too your point of view just don't post it in a thread where i'm trying too get rid of a fish, if you really want me too i can feed it too a gar so stop derailing this thread.

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