Free 20 Gal


Jun 30, 2007
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ideas?,i pretty much have everything but the lighting,its just a single long bulb thing hood, ideas?
uhh yeah i have an idea?

How about telling us your ideas on what you want in the tank first, i wont tell you my idea until you tell me yours :)
well i dunno i guess a 20gal nano would be cool its just is it gonna be worth it?,ive researched alot about nanos and im just wondering if its a good idea,as in for the people who have it is it worth the money?
Yes. Marine pretty much is 10x better than freshwater. IMO marine fish have much more color and charachter than freshwater fish and are worth every penny. Also, you would want to make a game plan before you start anything. Visiting the nano forum and reading the stickies will help loads to get you started and also get you familiar with marine terminology.
actually i find most cichlids to be much better looking than any saltwater fish, but that is all opinion.....

Make sure you have A LOT of these three things

money: (ive spent almost 2 thousand dollars on my 20 gallon saltwater tank)
patience: (without this, here comes failure)
Research (i would do at least 3 months of research with more being much better, i did 7 months of research and didnt feel confident until i actually hit 7 months)
ive been doing research a little over a month now, im gonna try a few things and see whats best
getting down and doing it makes me learn much faster, 7 months is a long time to research without trying, but then thats just me. get it set up and cycling and you have a fair time to research stocking options etc.

20 gal has alot of possibilities

small community - clowns, small wrasses, gobys etc

sea horses - im not too sure about requirments though


small reef

invert set up

have a look at liveaquarias nano fish good place to start, any questions fire away i leaernt quicker asking questions here then i would of reading endless about of data....
yes but if you do your research, you may not need to wait a long time to cycle, my cycle took 5 days, if you want my secret, ask.

oh and i didnt use bio-spira or anything like that.
The venerable 20long makes one of the best nano tanks out there. Relatively affordable, easy to aquascape, simple to add lights to later and grow corals if you like. go for it :good:

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