Fred is better!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Hi all,
Thanks for your help and suggestions. I am happy to report after a 95% WC and some Melafix, Fred seems to be back to his normal, happy self!
Heaving, lethargy, and loss of appetite sound like ammonia to me. Hva you tested your water? Maybe bump up your water change to twice a week -_-
Yep, I'd tend to agree. Testing your water is the first plan of attack, then go from there. Bettas in unfiltered tanks need 100% water changes. However, on a tank that size I would recommend a small filter - corner sponge, whisper mini, azoo palm, something like that. :thumbs:
Thanks Sorrell. I will start doing water changes more frequently and hope that helps... will keep you posted.

Edited to add: Thanks cation, I will look into filters for them...
So, I did a 95% WC yesterday and Fred does seem alittle better, eating better, and abit less lethargic.

But he is still gasping at the surface, still not swimming much, and now he has a white ring around each eye. But it doesn't look like pop-eye...

The other boy in the tank, is still doing well.

I'm really worried about Fred, as he is my very first fish.

Any more thoughts or ideas? Thanks.

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