Freaky stuff!!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
Derbyshire..... Again
Well its my moustash danio (did i spell that right?) anyway, its got a spot on its mouth, its white and only tiny,it sticks out abit too. wondering whether this could be the start of like mouthrot or something??? Any ideas? sorry i cant post pics!
Its either mouth fungus. Well thats if its coming out of the fish's mouth. Or it could be fungus?
I had a clown loach that got a what looked like the skin was white with a bump under it. He had those all over his body. He died. What is the white skin with a bump under it?
usually a parasitic worm or crustacean that is under the skin. sometime you can see the lump move. However this is not always the case cysts can also look like this. HTH :)
That is a lot of fish for a 33g tank. You should keep an eye on the rest. Thanks for the info tsenback, but it's too late for me, hopefully not loopy.

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