Freakin Insane Growth


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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well ive had ronnie and reggie for 4 days now , and they have both grown easily half an inch and noticably filled out !! if they keep that up they will be bruisers before i know it :hyper:
i agree a 4x2x2 is fine i had my 2 breeding pair in that size but back to topic how many times you feeding these guys a day mark
( and i hope its not greggs pastys)
Seriously? I went to Maidenhead @ Peterborough a few weeks ago and their sales note for the oscar tank essentially said "not without a six-foot (minimum) tank you don't".

I'd love one (the tank and the Oscar) but I'm not going to justify anything larger than my current tank.
forby they get hikari cichlid staple pellets in the morning , mealworms at lunch and prawn in the evening with peas every couple of days too. sounds a lot i know but its only in baby fish sized portions . gonna order them some hikari gold sinking pellets tomorrow too and maybe some tetra doramin or spirulina sticks too so i can vary the pellets a bit .

jmkgreen 75g for 1 oscar or for 2 120g upwards . at 4x2x2 your tank is the same size as mine . 100 ukg/118usg so with no tankmates , assuming that when they mature they dont turn on each other you could with good filtration and maintainence hous a pair of oscars with no tankmates for life .

obviously for 2 oscars a 6 footer will be better as the fish will appreciate the extra space and it will make keeping good water easier , but 4x2x2 is perfectly ok
forby they get hikari cichlid staple pellets in the morning , mealworms at lunch and prawn in the evening with peas every couple of days too. sounds a lot i know but its only in baby fish sized portions . gonna order them some hikari gold sinking pellets tomorrow too and maybe some tetra doramin or spirulina sticks too so i can vary the pellets a bit . ]

mine get just the same but minus the mealworm but i do give them doramin
when they get a bit more size on , il give em crickets every now and then as a treat. you wanna see an oscar go crazy drop a couple of crickets in. they love em!! but i have to draw the line at my greggs pasties, theyre mine :lol:
Seriously? I went to Maidenhead @ Peterborough a few weeks ago and their sales note for the oscar tank essentially said "not without a six-foot (minimum) tank you don't".

Haha they should put that on tanks at P@H! :lol:
lol chris . altho to be fair il go out on a limb and say that my local p@h is actually good . in fact so good i was happy to buy ronnie and reggie there . :good:
no i swapped cheech and chong for these 2 because cheech and chong were an impulse buy because the shop didnt have any tigers . but it started to bug me that id spend years looking at the tank not having quite the right fish , so i swapped cheech and chong for 2 little tigers which i named ronnie and reggie after the krays
Oh I see. I think the tigers are better looking too. I'm not a fan of Albino animals myself.

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