Freakin Bloodworm Allergy!


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Well now this is weird. I have alwasy fed bettas livebearers etc bloodworms....
But well, I have Lupus and I get some really weird things going on with my skin and eyes etc. Though I have not had a major flare for a year and a half until the past month...and all of a sudden I am having massive swelling of my eyes and my conjuctiva EVERYDAY. They itched like they were on fire, and my doctor actually said my EYEBALLS were swelling! So, after the usual treatments for Lupus-related eye probs like steroids, it gets really really bad yesterday. And lo and behold they figured out that the prob is Lupus has made me hypersensitive to the bloodworms and now all of a sudden I have an allergy! ARGGHH!

I am really hoping when my health turns up I get rid of the allergy as they never bothered me before. I'd scare you all with a photo but its really VERY gross!

Anyhow, just a tidbid from someone who has NO allgeries previously!
Well now this is weird. I have alwasy fed bettas livebearers etc bloodworms....
But well, I have Lupus and I get some really weird things going on with my skin and eyes etc. Though I have not had a major flare for a year and a half until the past month...and all of a sudden I am having massive swelling of my eyes and my conjuctiva EVERYDAY. They itched like they were on fire, and my doctor actually said my EYEBALLS were swelling! So, after the usual treatments for Lupus-related eye probs like steroids, it gets really really bad yesterday. And lo and behold they figured out that the prob is Lupus has made me hypersensitive to the bloodworms and now all of a sudden I have an allergy! ARGGHH!

I am really hoping when my health turns up I get rid of the allergy as they never bothered me before. I'd scare you all with a photo but its really VERY gross!

Anyhow, just a tidbid from someone who has NO allgeries previously!

Wow! That's nice to know. . . I hope you get better soon!!! :)
You know the freezedried bloodworms? I fed those and then rubbed my eyes and boy did my eyes burn! They even swelled slightly. :crazy: So as soon as I feed anykind of bloodworm, I run and wash my hands ASAP! So, I feel your pain!
Yep.... bloodworms are something quite a few people develop an allergy to with frequent handling. Really sorry..... that really bites to add that on top of Lupus. It doesn't usually go away.... kinda like developing an allergy to beestings.

Are you feeding frozen or freeze dried? How are you feeding them?

I try to avoid contact with bloodworms... but I have to feed my betta crew bloodworms too. Made the mistake of looking too closely to them one day..... and that was it. LOL. Not touching that!!!!
I've developed allergies in the last few years especially in spring. Sometimes all I can do is get in the car, turn on the air conditioning and drive. Hope you've been able to get some relief. Maybe keep some rubbergloves near the tank for when you have to handle them or just plain quit using them. Luckily both of mine turn up their noses at bloodworms. Hope you get better quick!
Yeah use rubber golves or tongs when handling them that way you won't come in contact with them and put one of those clothes pins on your nose so you can't smell it. :p
I'd second the rubber glove thing, though if you are developing lots of new alergies, you may want to go for vinal (sp?) gloves rather than latex. Also, depending on how many fish you have, here is how I deal with blood worms, and they don't touch my skin (assuming you have enouhg fish to use a whole cube). I pop out a cube and put it into a disposable plastic cup. Then i fill the cup with warm tank water and leave it sit until the cube has melted. All thats left is to dump it in the tank.
i'm always scared when i feed bloodworms that ill put too mnay in and dirty up my water but hey now ill put the brine shrimp and bloodworm in lol!
Welcome to the world of many, many people, myself included :p I'm allergic to both frozen and freeze dried bloodworms, and, like you, I found out the hard way. I do feed with tweezers but I wasn't careful when I opened the package, and after feeding the fish I did a little cleanup before I finally washed my hands; of course by then I'd rubbed my eyes. :X I went to meet friends that night with eyes so swollen and red it looked like I'd gotten in a fistfight! Gloves are a good idea, but in my experience, even just being particularly careful about how you handle the tweezers and the worms can work as well.

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