Fragging Coral


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2007
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Sorry about starting this thread with such limited response potential but Ive been having a hard time finding information on proper ways of fragging coral. Then theres this whole business of glueing coral (do I have to glue every coral frag I get? what kind of glue?) which I have no idea about.

If any of you have information or a possible link, it would be very appreciated.
Wow seriously?! I woulda thought that it was some specially bioengineered glue that fishkeepers use. Would have thought that superglue was toxic.

How do you glue a wet animal to a rock. Plus how do corals fasten to rocks in the wild or when they reproduce later in my tank?
Would have thought that superglue was toxic.

Heh, Hospitals use it on patients in the ER to close up wounds that are too difficult to stitch everyday :)
Let the zoo or what ever softie frag sit on the coral sand, pretty soon it will stick to and have some sand attached to its foot so to speak, then lift the frag and attach it to a reef plug or a piece of liverock using reefsafe epoxy which cures underwater.

I think my hammer coral is growing a new head. Does it put out little tiny polyps on the sides of it's self and if so how do I frag it?
Hammers do two forms of reproduction, either through division and growing out kind of like a tree. Keeps growing upwards and splitting on the way. Also by putting out little "buds" on the side. Thes "buds" are more like the coral's defense against storm damage. If a storm comes and destroys the larger heads of the colony, often the "bud" will survive and grow to replace the colony. The buds will not grow out if still attached to the main colony, so they need to be excised with say a really sharp chisel or better yet a dremmel

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