

spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
I know what this stands for, but what does it mean. No inverts e.t.c.

I would of thought with inverts would be easier, but apparently FOWLR is easier, is this true and why?
Well, corals(inverts) require more money, much more money, and you usually need alot of high-tech stuff. Which means tank maintnence. Plus you need precise water permeters for most inverts to thrive.
I think its just alot more money, corals and such are pretty expansive. :thumbs:
Fish Only With Live Rock is exactly that

But unless you are keeping livestock that will eat Inverts I personally would include them in any tank

This is a list of the inverts I have in my tank - none of which require any special attention

Turbo Snails
Sally Lightfoots
Cleaner shrimps
Bristle Worms(Hitchhiker)
Limpets (Hitchhiker)
Shield Limpets (Hitchhiker)
Porcelain Crab
Feather Dusters

If these inverts are acclimitised properly & Slowly then they are very easy to look after & do make interesting additions to any tank
Personnaly I have always taken it to mean fish only with the exception of the cleaner crew. Or in other words a tank that is dedicated to the fish and not to coral/anenomes/other inverts. I don't think it means if you have any inverts in your tank that it is no longer a FOWLR tank. For example I have a hitchhiker zoo on one of my pieces of live rock, an anenome, and a starfish, but I still consider my setup a FOWLR.

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