Eternally pruned fingers!
Through a sad accident with one of my biggest goldies I now have a 125L tank that will be empty in the next few weeks and I'm thinking either brackish or FOWLR with the slight preference for the latter, so I am after a bit of advice.
Reefs I can deal with quite happily now but with FOWLR I need to make sure I know my basics before I go off at full speed excitement mode
I'm thinking Canthigaster sp puffer tank which will be a challenge. Anyone out there got these delightful puffs who can give me a bit of advice? I hear they are a possible 'reef safe' puffer although I know there's no such thing as a totally safe puffer with any of the species - I have owned C. irruvesco, C. travancoricus, C. biocellatus so I know a fair bit about puffers in general.
With live rock, obviously that's the basis of my filtration. I may run an expternal for chemical filtration, but do I need a skimmer for a marine puff tank?
Are there any fish that are happy to be in the same tank as Canthigaster sp? I expect that crabs and shrimp are a no go for them, for obvious reasons?
Is lighting an issue? I have a double 24W T5 lighting unit I can have on the tank (and a spare ifI really needed to double up to 4 bulbs) so that's not an issue really.
SG can be a little lower than reef tanks I understand?
Obviously I will have to have flow and temps etc to suit the particular fish I have but I don't know/can't find any particularly good info sites about these particular puffers, so any experienced peeps who can give me info or links to research matter would be great
Thanks in advance
Reefs I can deal with quite happily now but with FOWLR I need to make sure I know my basics before I go off at full speed excitement mode
I'm thinking Canthigaster sp puffer tank which will be a challenge. Anyone out there got these delightful puffs who can give me a bit of advice? I hear they are a possible 'reef safe' puffer although I know there's no such thing as a totally safe puffer with any of the species - I have owned C. irruvesco, C. travancoricus, C. biocellatus so I know a fair bit about puffers in general.
With live rock, obviously that's the basis of my filtration. I may run an expternal for chemical filtration, but do I need a skimmer for a marine puff tank?
Are there any fish that are happy to be in the same tank as Canthigaster sp? I expect that crabs and shrimp are a no go for them, for obvious reasons?
Is lighting an issue? I have a double 24W T5 lighting unit I can have on the tank (and a spare ifI really needed to double up to 4 bulbs) so that's not an issue really.
SG can be a little lower than reef tanks I understand?
Obviously I will have to have flow and temps etc to suit the particular fish I have but I don't know/can't find any particularly good info sites about these particular puffers, so any experienced peeps who can give me info or links to research matter would be great
Thanks in advance