Four_line Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Springfield Massachuetts,usa
Never heard of these fish. Untill now. My friend bought some from the lfs yesterday. He said that they are pictus cats with four lines is this true??? Any one every hear of these catfish?? I think that they are from the pimedulla family. How big do these guys get??? Any info on these fish would be great.I would love to see some pics of these catfish. Anyone keep these catfish?? I'm interested in getting one or two.

The scientific name is Pimelodus blochii, they are a slightly bigger fish than Pimelodus pictus with a average size of around 6 to 8 inches and a taller profile which make them ideal for tanks with semi aggressive south and central american cichlids for example.
They also have a voracious appetite which can cause problems when kept with other bottom feeders that will not compete for food - These guys will eat anything that touches the bottom in the blink of an eye. It's not aggression as such - just greed :lol:
Search google images for Pimelodus Blochii. :good:

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