Four Line Pictus Cat


New Member
Feb 4, 2012
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Well recently I heard that Pictus cats are very active so I said "hmm sounds fun". After buying a "Four Line" Pictus cat, all he does is sit there and be lazy, is there such a fish as a Four Line Pictus cat? If there is why wouldn't he be active? Is he sick? Did I get a different fish? All I would like to know is why he isn't active.
I am no expert at all! I have in fact got two threads myself asking for help with my new pictus catfish, so if you want to take a look at them there may be some things that help you, also, I do know that the catfish are nocturnal and love a cve or any type of crevice to hide in before the lights go off so it can go and hunt.
I have a four lined pictus (pim blochi) and he is very active in dimmer light and when there's food about
i mite get one more soon love cat fish when i got him yesday yep love these well cool :good: i thought he was not eating lol but saw him eat ing today :hyper:
all Pictus cats should be in groups of 3 0r more and large tanks to get the best out of them i have 6 in my 6foot and they are great day or night with loads of wood and plants great fish if you have the right set up
all Pictus cats should be in groups of 3 0r more and large tanks to get the best out of them i have 6 in my 6foot and they are great day or night with loads of wood and plants great fish if you have the right set up
i agree with that iam passing some of my fish over to my wifes tank. and getting two more pictus cats soon

It may be the new home they are in. They may be scared of their new habitat and not want to explore too far. After a few days in their new home my pictus started to be as active as when I saw them at the store. This is just from my experience though :p
Pictus are a shouling fish ,it is possibly stressed in your aquarium as its new give it a couple of days and it will be racing round your tank like on speed, they will eat smaller fish :thumbs:

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