Found Some Eggs, Not Sure Who They Belong To

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Dec 22, 2008
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I found some eggs on the side of my tank when i noticed a mark some guppies were picking at, theyre in a translucent goop attached to the side of my tank, the weird thing is though I have only neon tetras, guppies, red cherry shrimp, and common snails in the tank and am wondering what on earth could have produced them, my only thought can be that they're neon eggs and the rest are either livebearers or hold onto their eggs and I am currently treating them as such (i.e prevented any light from getting to them)

Any help at all would be appreciated

Theyre in a 20 gal tank with great ammonia and nitrate levels, @26 degrees ph about 6.7.
Nope, not neons. Neons are egg scatterers that lay single, tiny eggs, usually in plants. Guppies as you know are livebearers and shrimp are egg carriers. This sounds typical of how most snails lay their eggs, but usually the snail eggs are just pinpoints - are you sure these have only been laid recently? When they are close to hatching and the snail embryos have formed their shells, they look like frogspawn with the little snails about 1mm across in a blob of jelly.

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