Found Solo Cory Egg By Chance...Now More Eggs


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
On checking my tank for platy fry,i came across one cory egg attached to a moss ball :)

Its definately fertile and looks like its close to hatching... :good: watch this space :nod:
what type of cory? congrats on the egg :good: will watch this space. keep us posted. :D
Oh yes, I'll be watching for updates. :)

Was the egg already firm or might they just have started spawning?
Thanks all :)

The egg was firm,quite beige in colour,no fungus on it so i reckon maybe a few days old :)

I know its from my Leopards has they've been doing the bizz on and off for ages,but since the last lot of eggs 3 weeks ago,i haven't been able to save any eggs(due to work commitments)from the platys greeding mouths eating them :good:

So i'm hoping i'll be able to save some more next time,they don't seem to lay many in a hit,the most i have ever got is 6 :rolleyes:
Good luck with the eggs :good:
sort of like my female platy- after buying her, she dropped like 5 fry, the next day another 5 and so on. couldn't catch many- caught 0 :fun: :lol:
Thanks all :)

The egg has now hatched :good: :D

I've got it in a floating tub with an airstone at the mo :)
sweet! when will we get some pictures?
I will try later to get a pic,but it is so tiny,my camera wont focus very well :rolleyes:
awww congratulations :good: What a lucky find. I've tried adding a ton of java moss to my tank now in the hope my cory's will lay there, as I never seem to get to them before the other fish do.
congrats on the egg :good: . what are you planning to feed him/her?
I will be feeding the fry on first bites powder mix in a little tank water,it worked for my others :)

Then low and behold when i got home and put the tank lights on,the leopards have been at it again,spotted eggs on the moss ball,so i saved them before the platys had a snack,eventually found 8,put them in the other tank,then when i went back to the main tank,they had laid another 2 on the same moss ball :rolleyes: :lol:
They only seem to lay a few eggs each time,has oppose to 100's,so i save them has and when. :good:
Here's the wee thing

Here's the first 8 eggs before i found the other 2,they look fertile :)


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