Found Fish in Dorm, unsure of what to do


New Member
Jun 10, 2022
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New Haven, CT
Hello all. I need some help identifying a fish, and fast. I am an RA and while doing room checks for the summer someone left this fish in a tank with nothing but a broken filter. My roomate and I have taken it in but we don't know what kind of fish it is or what we should do to help! We thought it wasn't going to survive but it's been a week and he's still alive.
I've changed his water (using a purifier specifically for fish) and tried giving him some dried bloodworms but I don't know of he is eating it. He is really lethargic, which because of the temp (its in the 60°s, I ordered a heater which will come in soon hopefully) but he does a lot of laying at the bottom of the tank and hiding in the few decorations it has.
If anyone knows what kind of fish this is/what I can do to make its quality of life better (or euthanize if it has a terminal illness) that would be great. I have tried to look up stuff but Google isn't helping me with this one


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Looks like maybe some type of algae eater maybe? Can you donate it to a local fish store? If you feed it and do a few water changes it should be ok.
Its a very Stressed otocinclus catfish. They are strictly vegetarian and wont eat bloodworms. Pretty much only algae but you can try cucumber, washed and peeled. Remove it after 6 or so hours and replace. I would find someone with an established tank, preferably with live plants and other otocinclus as they are a shoaling (group) fish or take it to a local fish store. A small private owned one is best, many chain stores euthanize any fish donated to them immediately
Good on you though for taking it in AND coming to us for help, many would not. Its obvious you actually care for its wellbeing
I agree with the above. Seems like some sort of algae eater. Could be an otto but it is very stressed and discolored making it hard to tell. The person caring for it before obviously had no idea what they were doing... Do large water changes for now and if you plan on keeping it, get a sponge filter. Heads up though, if it is an otto, you will need a bigger tank. A 20 gallon long because they NEED to be in large groups of more than 6 so they are not that stressed. Plant cover would be great as well.
And algae is crucial for otocinclus, they often starve without it
Just by the mouth I would guess that it may be a young pleco that is in trouble. You may want to get algae tabs from a local pet store. They are cheap and would supply viable food.

How long is this critter? Just by relating size against the gravel I'm guess less than an inch long. I don't have near the knowledge as do many here but my guess is a very young pleco which will need algae in one form or another.
I have 6 of them in my tank swimming up and down the glass. They are active normally and spend most of the time shuffling over the bits of tank that I leave to grow algae on, such as the back tank glass that isn't seen from the front.
They are fragile fish and kept singly won't work. I commend your efforts to save it and highly recommend giving it to someone local who keeps fish. If any forum member lives nearby, ie where the OP shows his location, then perhaps you can do a PM

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