Found babies!!


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2005
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I was doing a full W/C on my big tank today and I noticed a little thing which I thought was a otto baby. I looked closer and it was a baby BN plec!! I have a big male and female so obviously its from them. I am so excited this is my first ever egg layer babies!! I have them in a 5gal tank right now with a snail. I have one question I don't know if I should ask this here or in livebearers. The plecs are about 2 cm in length. I was wondering if I could put a preggo potbelly molly female in there for her to give birth without her eating the pleco babies? Oh and what do I feed them!!! All I have is tropical flakes and catfish wafers. My big plecos like the catfish wafers....
I know I think theyre hybrid because the have black stripe tails. Is it possible for clown pleco to breed with bristlenose pleco?
That a big, "Got me?" I haven't a clue. It's time to get out the big guns. -_-

How are you doing in Lake Charles? Must be good enough to start a new species. :lol:
If you are referring to the hurricane we didn't get but a little wind and rain. Thankfully. I think it would be cool if it was hybrid but I would seperate them in different tanks so as not to breed them again.
Clown plecs and bristlenoses can't crossbred as far as i know its pretty imposible, as for the molly i'd leave her in the main tank as mollys do best in giving birth successfully in the main tank and will eat their own fry anyways so if you coop her up in a 5gal you will probably lose more fry to her than in the big tank where they can swim away and hide :) .
Well I've put molly females in a tank and they never eat their babies. I even did that with a black molly and I thought they were suppose to be the most agressive of the mollies. Oh well I will just leave her in there. They will all get eaten tho by the shrimp,angels, and swords. Unless I notice them in time.
My baby bristle noses all look kind of stripy. The bigger ones are starting to look like their parents now. I have 11 babies saved from 3 batches, the smallest at just under a centimeter the biggest around an inch, i scoop them out when i see them as the wood they breed in is around 2 feet long, any that i don't see get eaten by the clown loaches. I have mine in a 15 gallon with about 20 baby platies (under a centimeter) I feed them algae wafers and cucumber and they grow pretty quickly. The platies get ground up flakes and liquid fry food. Once they start breeding they seem to be pretty regular having a new batch every 4-6 weeks.

Ooh, emma, is that the bn that breed that often? I am hoping I have a pair of my orange bn to breed, but they are still young. But one has a bigger head than the others and more little nubs. The three of them look like off white dotted organza. But they are suppose to get dark. Their fins are almost lacy. They're so cute :wub:

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