Found A Tank At The Dump


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2009
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i found a tank at the dump, 20-30liters i think with a hood, filter, pebbley gravel and an plant/tree ornament. i think its a tetra aquaart 30. it dosn't have a lightbulb, but has the fittings for one. i'm not sure how to sterilise it, but have taken out the filter, rinsed and dried it and cleaned the tank with normal tap water and dried, but id like to clean it more thoroughly with something stronger (soap maybe), but dont know whats safe for fish. i have taken out the gravel and decor (planning to dispose of).
any ideas? i just dont want any disease to be passed onto my healthy *touches wood* fish and tanks. it has been dry for about a day, but could some disease still be alive :unsure: ?
thanks for any advice (or anything else) in advance. ;)
Bleach solution, 1pt bleach to 10pts water, give it a good scrub and then rinse, rinse and rinse again.
If you dont want to use normal household bleach I have been told you can use diluted milton fluid (the stuff they clean baby bottles with) but again rinse really well. I have with decor in the past left it outside in the sun and rain then cleaned them up and used them.
I agree with the poster above me. Bleach is fine, as long as you remember to rince very well.
I agree with weak bleach and plenty of rinsing :good:

If its a tetra filter i would ditch it,mine packed up in my aqua art within 12 months,so i got a replacement and that went the same way. :rolleyes:
Gravel isn't suppose to be re-used. It's porus and can't be properly sterilized. I cannot remember where I read that, but it makes sense. . .since gravel is cheap, it's logical to just buy a new bag.

Soap is difficult to remove from the tank. It's better to use a bit of bleach, rinse well and then add decholinator to make sure nothing is left.

FWIW, I bought a tank and the guy waited till I drove home (took me 40 minutes one way) to call and say that he washed everything with soap and I'd have to scrub it. I was so mad. The tank ended up being tossed and I just kept the tank stand. Luckily it only cost $15 to replace it.
Gravel isn't suppose to be re-used. It's porus and can't be properly sterilized. I cannot remember where I read that, but it makes sense. . .since gravel is cheap, it's logical to just buy a new bag.

Soap is difficult to remove from the tank. It's better to use a bit of bleach, rinse well and then add decholinator to make sure nothing is left.

FWIW, I bought a tank and the guy waited till I drove home (took me 40 minutes one way) to call and say that he washed everything with soap and I'd have to scrub it. I was so mad. The tank ended up being tossed and I just kept the tank stand. Luckily it only cost $15 to replace it.
could you not put the gravel in a pan and boil it
Gravel isn't suppose to be re-used. It's porus and can't be properly sterilized. I cannot remember where I read that, but it makes sense. . .since gravel is cheap, it's logical to just buy a new bag.

If it's natural stone it can be sterilized by boiling. I do it that way myself. Then, if you want to store it for another time, just spread it out to dry. I wouldn't try this with anything painted or coated or anything man made. I wouldn't use bleach on it either. I tried that once and it was just too hard to rinse out. That batch had to be thrown away.

Chlorine bleach is great for sterilizing most aquarium equipment. If you are unsure whether it is completely rinsed, add some dechlorinator to the final rinse water and be sure to dry it thoroughly.

Great find, iffles! :thumbs:
I have always read to not boil rocks, because they can contain air pokets and possibley explode when heated.

I don't see issues with most ways of cleaning tanks. Soap is fine, heavy cleaners are fine. You just need to be careful to rinse thourghly and not use anything that will damage or absorb into silicon.

Boiling wood will sanatize it. For rocks you can bake them or rinse them with hot water.
hi, and thanks for the quick replies :D
With the gravel, i think i will just store it somewhere and not use it because the pebbles are HUGE compared to the sand i was planning to use - each pebble is about 1 inch and its not worth it really (the cories wont be happy with it either). i think i'll chuck the filter media because its got blotchy and pinky discolouration, and media is cheap.

Bleach solution, 1pt bleach to 10pts water, give it a good scrub and then rinse, rinse and rinse again.

i think i will use the method above ^ with dilute bleach to sterilise the tank and equipment.

If its a tetra filter i would ditch it,mine packed up in my aqua art within 12 months,so i got a replacement and that went the same way. :rolleyes:

i dont think its a tetra filter (it doesnt have any brand written anywhere on it), but doesnt look like its a very effective filter anyway :rolleyes:

i bought a replacement light from my lfs for the tank, but turns out the tanks electrical wiring is faulty and rusted :rolleyes: so i had to go straight back to my lfs and return it :rolleyes: how annoying.
but i suppose i did get it for free and the tank is in good condition :hyper:
i just hope the filter works though :unsure:

anyways, thanks again for the much appreciated replies and help :good: and will get started on cleaning tomorrow probably :)

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